martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

Helicopter parenting: I'M WATCHING YOU!!!

Comment 17

In our days privacy isn´t the same as before, before the people didn´t know when you went to a place, or when you did something, but now you put all your information in the social network, for example when you go on holiday to the beach you put some photos of you in the beach in social networks like Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, and we even arrive a to such a level that we even upload photos of the food we eat and there are people that are obsessed with take a photo of all the food that they get.

I think that it can be good that we are watched, but in some societies like China they have cameras in their streets. All this means that people lose their privacy because there is always someone watching you what you are doing in the street with a camera. I don´t  agree with this thing, because I think that we need some privacy policy.

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