domingo, 27 de octubre de 2019

A biography of a famous band

Writing 04

The British group The Beatles formed in 1957. None of the four, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison or Ringo Starr has been before in another banda. The name The Beatles came from beetle and beat music.
The Beatles became international famous, when they created the style roch with a guitar and the drum. They had many bits, as Let It Be or Hey Jude, two or their best hits. They had 22 awards, some of wich were World Music Awards. During that time they played skiffle, rock and roll, beat música or rock pop. They always sang in English and al his albums were in English. The Beatles finally split up in 1970.
In the last few years, their music has been popular again because Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr continue singing, in two different group, in ours days.

domingo, 13 de octubre de 2019

Listen to nature

Comment 02

Nowadays we take care of things that don't need too much care and we don't take care of things that we really need.
The nature is one of these things, too many people don't take care of nature and this is one of the most important things in the world, because without nature we wouldn't survive too long.
Nature give us one important thing that we need to survive, this is 02 this is a gas that our organism needs to make the breath and to push out the CO2.
In my opinion we need stop doing some things that damage nature and take more care of nature because this isn't only for us, this is for our children and for our future children. We need to think about the present and the future.

domingo, 6 de octubre de 2019

The Amazon rainforest, a big issue for the entire

Comment 1

Nowadays there are too many fires on Earth. But, this fire is more important than others because the Amazon is the lung of Earth, for this the news is saying that this problem not only affects Brazil, but also all the world.
When it happened the news didn´t say anything and I don´t know why, but after a few weeks all the news were talking about this, because some rich people donated money to save the Amazon.
In my opinion these things shouldn´t happen again because these things are very bad for the world, the animals, the plants and of course the humans.
This doesn´t only release Co2, but also kill animals, remove the home of different types of animals, and burn too many species of trees, and species of herbs... The Amazon´s fire of course affects the climate change, which melts the poles and, therefore, makes the sea levels up, and the scientists say that in 2050 some big cities will disappear.