martes, 28 de mayo de 2019

Reassuring someone

Writing 16

Nick: What's the matter, Max?
Max: I've got to play un the final of a tennis competition, and I'm worried I don't think I can do it!
Nick: Of course you can! You are very good at tennis. You don't need to worry.
Max: Yes, but you know I'm really shy
Nick:True, you're bery shy, but don't worry. You'll be fine, I'm sure.
Max: Well the problem is, when I play in front of people I feel nervous and I can't concetrate.
Nick:I think I can help you. When is the match?
Max: It is next Sunday
Nick: Then there's no problem! You practise un front of me and my friends
Max: Ok! I'll feel more confident then
Nick: Yes if you practise los of times un front of us, I know it'll turn out all right

martes, 7 de mayo de 2019

DIGITAL ADDICTION, a REAL problem to solve

Comment 19

Today, technology is too present in our lives and it has advanced a lot. You can do everything with a computer, a tablet or a mobile phone from playing video games to buying things or taking photos. It is so good, but the problem comes when you abuse of the technology or when you give them a bad use, because you can have problems like insolation.
This people, who work in Silicon Valley, limit the use of the mobile phone or computer of their children because they know that it can produce a lot of illnesses, and they want that their children to use old ways of search information or to solve a problem.
In my opinion, mobile phones are so good it you don't give them a bad use and if you know when to stop using the mobile phone, but the kids don't know when stop using this technology because theirs brains aren't mature enough.

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2019

Shall we eat? Yes, but...

Comment 18

I'm not allergic to nuts or gluten. And I'm not a lactose intolerant, but I have relatives that are allergic and this is difficult because they mustn't eat some kinds of food.
Allergies are a set of responses of the immunologic system and in this case it appears when you eat the food you are allergic of.
For this reason you must be very careful when you eat some food if you have some allergics.
I'm very lucky because I don't have food allergies I have some allergies an  allergy to dust, and that's why I can eat all types of food.