domingo, 5 de enero de 2020

It is not just climate change, IT IS CLIMATIC EMERGENCY!!!

Comment 10

Nowadays in our lives there are too many problems and we take care about these different types of problems, but there is a serious problem and that is climate change, and there are some people that they don´t take care about this problem or even they say that the climate change doesn´t exist.
And it is a big problem because if we don´t stop climate change the world won´t survive for the next generations, or even in our generation we will be affected by some seious problems, and this is the thing that some people don´t see, they only think about themselves and don´t think about their children or their grandchildren.
Nowadays we use too much the car, we use too much plastic and we don´t recicle much plastic, paper or glass, we produce too much CO2 with the factories, and for these things we need to produce fewer things in factories, use public transport and recycle all types of material, and in my opinion doing these things and others we can reduce too much emission of CO2 and we can stop the climate change.

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