miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

Telling a story

Writing 16

Hi David,
How are things? You´ll never guess what happened to me and Matias a few weeks ago! We went for a walk around the town and we were chatting when suddenly, we saw a man running with a big bag, and an old woman was running after him. First we didn´t know what was happening, but eventually we understood that it was a mugging. Obviously, we tried to stop him because he was running too fast.

Luckily, Matias had his mobile, so he called the police. We waited for a long time with the old woman, and she looked really bad. She told us that she came from the bank and there was a lot of money in this bag. Eventually, the police arrived and asked some questions to the old woman. Finally, the police left us, and then said that they were going to search or the criminal. We were in shock, it was the first time that we had seen a crime.

What´s your news?

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