First Quality Comment

Nowadays there are a lot of people that are teleworking, because we aren´t able to go to our work area, for example we can´t go to the Secondary School and for this reason our teachers must teach us by video conference, or for example people that work in an office are working at home. And of course this way of work have advantages and disadvantages.
The main advantage is that you are in your home, and you are more calmer and you are less stressed,but the main disadvantage is that you can´t go out to do anything, you only can go out to do some sport, or to go to the doctor, or to buy some things. But you can´t meet your friends in the streets, and you can enjoy talking with your friends. Another disadvantage is that you must stay a lot of hours in front of the screen, and for this reason you can feel bad and it can hurt your eyes.
Even if there are a lot of people teleworking, there are also some works that the workers can´t work through Internet, for example waiters, cooks, shop assistants... And now these people aren´t earning money, because they aren´t working. And a lot of families that earn money from these works are now hungry.
In my opinion, the government has to make an effort and allow them return to their works if they can´t do teleworking.
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