domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2019

Better as a team!!!

Comment 07

In my secondary school, every year we do something to remember all the victims of violence against women, and this year, during the third period we left our classrooms and went to the playground, where we organized a demostration with the shape of a loop and we listened to some partners that read some women´s stories.
Nowadays there are a lot of people setting up protests for this reason, but also there are people that think and say that the violence against the women don´t exist, and in my opinion they are denying the number of victims of this type of violence that the government says.
And also there are men that say that people are always talking about the violence against women and never talk about the violence against men and I agree with them, but when you see the statistics and you compare the number of women and of men, you see that it is a big difference between the number of woman killed and the men killed.
In my opinion not only this type of violence has to disappear, but also all types of violence 
have to dissapear.

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