sábado, 5 de febrero de 2022

A cop to sort out climate change matters?

Comment 11

People think that Climate Change is a new problem, they think that it has existed for two or three years, but that's not true, because Climate Change has existed for many years, exactly for more than one hundred years. It started as a normal global heating, I say normal because the heating of our planet is something natural, but we have made that something natural becomes something really dangerous for all of us.

The problem is that before the people didn't give much importance to this problem and, even, they thought that it was false, that climate change didn't exist. Now we can see how those people were wrong, because it is already producing some changes in our enviroment and weather. For example, in the south of Spain we can see that now there are fewer rainy days than before, it rains less and climate change is to blame.

Luckily, now there are a lot of people that are worried about the climate change and its consequences. These people are looking for a solution to this problem, and in addition they aree celebrating a lot of conferences. Between them, the last conference the COP26. The COP26 was celebrated in Glasgow in Scotland, and presidents and ministers, like Joe Biden or Pedro Sánchez, from all over the world met there.

Finally, from my point of view, if we had acted before, it would have been easy to solve. But as we didn't do anything, we can't be worried about the past,but we must think about the present and the future. Because if we act now, the future will be better than how it will be if we don't act. I only wish we would do something to solve this problem and it is not too late.

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