sábado, 2 de abril de 2022

My job is to make you believe!!!

Comment 19

This year we are already in 2º Bachillerato, and we need to pass through tough times because we need to pass all the exams periods, so during these times, we can't or shouldn't relax and rest anyday, we need to study everyday to pass all exams. Last weeks we already have lots of exams and we have more in the next weeks. Through these times, we can start to think that we can't do all we need. If we think that we won't be able to do all the exams that we have. 

For this reason, we may take a rest during these days at the end Febraury, but we can't be resting during the five days, we also need to continue studying all the subjects. We must have a positive mentality, and we need to feel well with ourselves for doing everything that we can, and start to think that everything will be okay and we will pass well all the exams we have. To do this we have the help of all our teachers, who are always are there trying to help us in whatever they can.

Our teachers are there to help us and that's true, so they are usually worried about us, especially in this last year at the secondary school, that we must do a selectivity exam at the end to enter the university. For this reason, they want us to do very well in this exam so that we can choose the degree that we want to work on in the future. This year is really hard, and some of our teachers tell us that we are very relaxed to what comes in a few months, and that is true, we are not under pressure.

To sum up, from my point of view, if we are already there able to continue with our studies is thanks to all our teachers, if they weren't be there, lots of us wouldn't continue with this for different reasons. We would give up because of anxiety or we also would see that a difficult situation beat us. So, although all we can say about our teachers they are always there trying to help us and worrying about us.

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