domingo, 24 de octubre de 2021

Never too much!!!

Comment 09

Sometimes, we can think that something is too much for us, but that isn't true, we usually say that because we don't have desire of doing something, we prefer to stay relaxed without doing anything, although it may be better for us doing more than we want to do. But we don't think about it we prefer comfort and that can be really bad, because if we do not much, in the future, we won't want to do anything and that will harm us.

Now we are in our last year in secondary school, and we must do a lot of things, although we don't want to do, because if we do not do much, we won't pass all our exams, and we won't pass this last year. So we can say that never is too much, and that we always have to do more and more efforts. We don't have to do effort only in our school life, but we also have to do it in our normal life, because we also have a lot of problems in our lives, for example personal problems or shared problems like climate change and all the problems that it brings.

As I said we have the problem of climate change, that is a really big problem, and there are a lot of scientists searching for a solution to this problem, and they can be thinking that never is too much, because it is a problem that needs a lot of attention, so we can't be relaxed in our normal life, thinking that nothing will happen, because it isn't the future, the climate change is happening now in the present and all young people will live all the consequences if we don't do anything.

Finally, I reckon that we must give enough attention to all the problems and we should also think that never is too much, that is a very important sentence, because we usually think that it is too much, but we never think that "never is too much", so we need to put this sentence in our mind and watch the life from another point of view.

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