sábado, 4 de abril de 2020

Is the CORONA VIRUS really the solution to CLIMATE CHANGE?

Comment 20

Nowadays, climate change is the biggest problem that we have in the world, even though we are having an epidemic of corona virus, and all the people are giving a lot of importance to this epidemic, and they forget the biggest problem that the world has. And when this epidemic disappears, they won´t give the same importance to the climate change as they give to this epidemic, because they think that it won´t affect them, they think that it will affect  the future generation.

The corona virus is a very bad incident, becasue it is killing a lot of pepole in the world, but it is doing a good thing, it is reducing our emissions a lot. And it is clearing the air in some places where there was a lot of pollution, like some places in China or India.

In my opinion, it shows how we can fight against the climate change, and we can weaken this big problem, and I say weaken, because in the point that we are now, we can´t make that the climate change disappear at all. The pollution decreases because of the corona virus because we use a lot less the vehicles, we must stay at home, and a lot of factories have closed because the people can´t work.

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