domingo, 20 de febrero de 2022

What do you think could be done to reduce environmental pollution?

Composition 03

Nowadays, we live in a society that is usually polluting in all aspects. We usually go by car everywhere, all the things that we use are made of plastic from a bag to other object that we can use. And that's not all, now there is plastic even in the food that we eat.

The food we eat has plastic, and you can ask yourself, how can food, like  fish or meat, have plastic? That's easy, it is because all the world is contaminated by plastic, and some studies have discovered that there are lots of microplastics in the sea and even in the se salt that we usually add to all our dishes. So, that's a big problem and we have to do something to change this situation.

Well, world situation with the contamination is really hard and difficult. But if we have intentions of change it, it isn't impossible to improve. So, we can search for some things to do to reduce enviromental pollution. The first, the use of car must be reduced, we need to get used to walk to some places and not always use the car. Secondly, the things should be made of other materials to reduce the use of plastic. And finally, we must be rid of rubbish in appropiate places, we ought not to throw it anywhere.

Finally, as a conclusion, I think that it is a very serious problem and that there are lot of people that don't realise about the importance of the environmental contamination. It is true thatwe should have acted before to solve this problem, but if we really do our bit and try to reduce our contamination doing different things, in the future we will see some consequences.  

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