sábado, 1 de febrero de 2020

NATURE could be the solution

Comment 11

Nature can be the solution of some illness because when you are with nature you can feel very relaxed, you can forget all the everyday problems, problems about work, about your studies... And for these reasons being surruonded by the nature can be the solution to some mental problems.
When you are stressed, for example you can go for a walk in a forest, have a look at all the trees, or you can go to the beach to swim or to see  the sea  waves of the sea, and these actions can help you with the stress and for a moment you can feel free and very well, and these actions are also called ecotherapy.
Ecotherapy is the different activities that you can do related with the nature, from climbing, hiking until activities that you can do in your house as gardening, and as I have just said, these activities can help you with some mental problems.
In my opinion ecotherapy is a good therapy to these problems and it makes people appreciate more the nature and to take more care of the nature. And sometimes I go to the beach to see the waves and to throw some stones into the water because it calms me down and I forget all my problems.

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